Dharmasangha's Message in Ratanpur of June 4, 2011
June 4, 2011 / Updated on August 13, 2022
1. May the eternal sky acquire the form of the Earth, absorbing Sansara into the empty field of absolute potential (shunyata) and freedom (moksha).
2. Just as the Moon’s great illumined radiance may the world be enveloped by faith.
3. Just as the Sun’s glorious illumined radiance may the world be surrounded by perfect wisdom.
4. Just as the conch’s sound may the world resonate with the Dharma.
5. Just as the holder of the dorje (vajradhara), may the world be adamant with the love of the soul, the supreme soul (paratma) and the non-self (anatma).
6. Just as the eight-petalled lotus carries forms as the reflection, may the world be enveloped in morality, wisdom and meditation.
7. In search of this pure guidance (margadarshan), directly being steadfast in the precepts, meditational states, and wisdom (sheel, samadhi, pragya) of Noble Maitriya Nath and Noble Tara, I will be giving the guidance of freedom (mukti) and liberation (moksha) in the whole world.
8. If in the world Dharma guidance (margadarshan) for freedom and liberation (mukti and moksha) is given, (but) benefit for the earth and changes do not happen, not just the Dharma world (but) among each and every sentient being and human a storm of uncertain change will come.
9. In the impermanent world, when Dharma decays, then the world becomes unpeaceful, confrontational; a form of sectarianism is taken up among societies in the name of religion – mean behavior is practiced in the name of caste and creed – being deprived from the path of freedom. That is not Dharma to go about religions and peace in such a way.
10. By this communal form of religion, it is a religion made to fulfill personal interest.
11. Today we the Dharma Sanghas are in extreme happiness with the pious work.
12. Thus, let us keep the Maitriyan harmony. For this, I am assimilating and modifying in practice.
13. And, a splendid welcome and Khata may be tributed by the Namo Buddha Tapoban Samarakshyan Sangha and Bodhi Shravan Dharma Sangha’s Sangha Mitra and Kalyan Mitra.
14. In this way by the unification of the the sangha, let the Sangha Mitra and Kalyan Mitra of Dharma Sangha, maintain the Dharma having the same feeling. Also along with bidding a religious farewell, lets give religious thanks.
15. May all beings be tranquil. May they be happy. So be it...
1. Amarvati bhuvan rup jastei sunyata ra moksha ma leen hona sakosh sansar.
2. Chandrama ko mahur jyotirmaye prakash jaste siddhanta chhaye raho sansar.
3. Surya ko tejasvi-jyotirmaya prakash jaste nipurn bhayi gyan laye chhao sansar.
4. sankhako dhvani jaste gunchi rah dharma ko sansar.
5. Bajradaar jaste kathor hosh atma paratma, anatma maitreya ko sansar.
6. Ashtakamal ko phul jaste prativimbit ruple chhao sila, pragya, samadhi ko sansar.
7. Yas vishudda margadarshan khojma sakshat Maitreya Nath ra AryaTara ko sil, samadhi, pragyama nirantar bhayi Sansara bhari mukti ra mokshya ko margadarshan garirahanechhu.
8. Yadi sansar ma mukti ra Mokshya ko margadarshan garaunda lok-hitartha ra parivartan nabhaema, dharma sansar matra nabhayi jiv praakirtik manav bich samma parivartit parivartanko huri aunechha.
9. Chhingur sansar ma jaba dharmako chhya hundai janncha, taba sansarle ashanti, kalaha, samudayik beechma sampradaya ko rupale dharma ko naam line, jaati-paati ko naamle nichhbebahar garne, muktiko marga bata banchit garaune, yasta dharma shanti haruko pacchi lagnu tyo dharma hoina.
10. Tyesta dharma sampadayeko ruple byektitva swartha pura garne dharma ho.
11. Aaja yas punit karyale hami dharma sanghaharu ati khushi chhaun [].
12. Tyesari nai, Maitreya sadhbhav rakhi yashlai bevaharikta ma parivartan ra parimaarjan [] garaune chhu.
13. Ra Namo Buddha Tapoban Samrakshyan sangha, Bodhi Shravan Dhamma Sanghaka Sangha Mitra ra Kalyan Mitraharule vabya swaagat ra khata arpan garaidinu hola.
14. Yesarinai Dhamma Sangha, Sangha Mitra, Kalyan Mitra, sanghalai eutai... eutai bhavana gari dhammako samrakshyan garnu, bhandai dhammik bidaeka saathai dhammik dhanyavad didai.
15. Bhavatu sarva mangalam. Bhava astu tatastu.
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