Mahasambodhi Dharmasangha’s Message in Sindhuli of September 10, 2012

1. Following the True Dharma and the Guru in this current time, making all the meritorious souls present and absent here Maitri Mangalam (Lovingly Peaceful...

Mahasambodhi Dharmasangha Accepts Food and Drink

On April 11, 2012, at 1:30 PM (29 Chaitra 2068 in the Nepali calendar), Mahasambodhi Dharmasangha took food (rice) from the hands of his close assistant...

Birthday Speech in Halkhoriya in 2012

1. Benefiting all Sanghas and followers with Loving Kindness, today’s Yuga (age) is not only a time for festivity, it is for imparting the Path of Freedom...

BSDS USA Maitri Divas 2024 Celebration

At our small gathering on March 25 in California, feelings of peace were strong, energy deep, and the embrace of Guru’s unwavering Love pervasive. Limits of our time so easily pierced by Cosmic Grace to remind us yet again of the benevolence and beauty of existence. Dear Beloved One, You are never shackled. Always free. […]

“This Guru is going to change the entire world” – Zaki from USA about Dharmasangha Guru

Zaki from USA shared from the heart on Dharmasangha Guru.

Director of Interfaith Council of Nepal speaks on Dharmasangha Guru

Damodar Gautam, Director of Interfaith Council Nepal, speaks on Dharmasangha (aka Buddha Boy / Little Buddha / Ram Bahadur Bomjan), “I have not the least doubt about what He has accomplished.” Damodar Gautam is the Chairman of Interreligious Council Nepal and is a renowned figure in Nepal’s Interfaith Community. Rev. Gautam also serves as the […]

I support Dharmasangha’s divine mission (Venerable Junsei Terasawa)

The venerable Junsei Terasawa tells about his experience of meeting Dharmasangha Guru and expresses his support for Dharmasangha’s divine mission for the sake of world peace.

International Maitri Sangha Speak Up

On Tuesday the 9th January 2024, members of the Nepal Police and CIB (Central Investigation Bureau) broke down the front gate of the house in Kathmandu where Dharmasangha Guru was staying, with hatchets, and entered the home without prior notification or Court Warrant, to remove Dharmasangha Guru. They put the Bhagawan Guru in handcuffs and dragged […]

Birthday Wishes to Mahasambodhi Dharmasangha Guru

Dearest Guru, We would like to send You our deepest devotion and our appreciation for the continuing outpour of Your richest love, Your wonderful wisdom upon us, upon all sentient beings on this earth. We are so blessed with Your presence, Your teachings…. and we are learning a lot from Your amazing book too. We […]

Welcome to New Zealand’s First Maitri Building!

BSDS New Zealand and the Maitri Foundation are delighted to announce the completion of our very first Maitri building here in New Zealand! This new Maitri building is lovingly and reverently offered up to Mahasambodhi Dharmasangha Guru and is dedicated to the divine uplift of all beings to mukti and moksha. The building, which is […]

Joyful Maitri Welcome to the World by Joan Stanley-Baker (Nayung Gyemyinde)

Speech by maha maatma gurumarga guru professor Joan Stanley-Baker (Nayung Gyemyinde) on February 29, 2020 in Kathmandu, Nepal.

Holy Jungle Spacetime — Maitri Puja 2012

I would like a chance to express gratitude to the extraordinary people of Nepal for the most extraordinary experience of my life. Having lived and gone to school or worked in many parts of the world, and having engaged during various periods of my life in various religious ways searching for spiritual evolution, I have […]

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