Closing Speech for The World Loving Peace Puja on March 26, 2012
March 26, 2012 / Updated on May 27, 2012
1. May all Sanghas [1] keeping the discipline of the Dharma [2] gathered at the World Loving Peace Puja [3] show unification to the world uniting all sentient beings within the perimeters of the power of the Dharma overcoming all illusions and obstacles of the past, present and coming days.
2. The way on the path of the True Dharma being followed, perfect enlightenment being accomplished, the understanding of world peace and the feeling of Maitri (Loving Kindness) being established, may the acquisition of the Dharma World be made manifest.
May all beings be happy. So be it.
1) Sangha – assembly/group with common goal, vision, purpose.
2) Dharma – Universal and Cosmic Truth, righteous duty, virtuous path, liberating law.
3) Puja – ritual, worship, ceremony, prayers.
विश्व शान्ति मैत्री पूजामा उपस्थित सबै संघहरुलाई धर्मको शासनमा रही विश्वलाई एकरूप दर्शन देयी विगत, वर्तमान र आउने दिनहरुको समस्त अन्योलहरु र मारहरु दिया गरि सम्पूर्ण जगतप्राणी धर्मको परिसिद्धि प्राप्त मिलाई हुन सकोश |
Vishwa Shanti Maitri Pujama upasthit sabai sanghaharulai Dharmako shaashanma rahi vishwalai ekrup darshan deyi vigat, vartman ra aaune dinharuko samasta annyolharu ra maaraharu diya gari sampurna jagatprani dharmako parisidhi prapt milai huna sakosh.
सत्य धर्मको मार्गमा मार्ग अनुसरण गरि परिसिद्ध भई विश्वशान्ति समझदारी र मैत्री भाव स्थापित भई धर्म लोकको धरानले अवतरित होए |
Satya Dharmako maargama marga anusaran gari parisiddha bhai vishwashanti samajhdari ra maitri bhaav sthapit bhai Dharma lokko dharanle avatrit hoye.
|| सर्व मैत्री मंगलम अस्तु, तथास्तु ||
Sarva Manglam Astu Tathastu !
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